Vitamite – Re-Lyte

Vitamite – Re-Lyte

Available in 2kg, 10kg & 20kg varieties.

Item Description

Vitamite® Re-Lyte® is a scientific blend of chelated mineral slats that is closely matched to the horse’s sweat to replace the correct quantity of electrolytes in the horse. Horses fed Mitavite feeds to recommended levels will generally not need additional electrolytes, unless under veterinary advice.


Electrolytes are an important part of the horses diet and are needed by the horse daily to regulate the correct acid base balance to prevent dehydration, for proper nerve and muscle function and enzyme action. Imbalances in electrolytes can affect performance, feed intake, muscle and heart function and bring on fatigue sooner.


Re-Lyte® provides the correct balance of electrolytes in a high quality bioavailable, well absorbed formula. Re-Lyte® has been formulated to be fed in addition to Mitavite® feeds for horses that need additional electrolytes. Veterinarians usually recommend Re-Lyte® when additional electrolytes are required.


Re-Lyte® helps to keep your horse’s electrolytes in the right balance by providing a quality electrolyte mix matched to your horse’s needs. When feeding electrolytes always ensure your horse has ad lib access to fresh water.

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